Tierra Unica is a destination blogsite focusing on world travel, entertainment, cuisine, news, popular culture, sports, business, technology, humor, and events from around the world with an emphasis on the USA and South America (Peru, Argentina, Brazil, etc).
Using the latest web video broadcasting technology, here is the live on-air broadcast feed in Castellano (Castillian Spanish) from TV Chile in the capital city of Santiago about the giant 8.8 earthquake near Concepcion, Chile. A massive tsunami warning In Chile and Peru!
Chile is not Haiti. It is the most economically develop country in all Latin America, and the Chilean people have experienced several "Great Quakes" in the last 200 years. Hopefully the causalities and damage is minimal.
Castellano (Español)
las ultimas tecnologias de video de web de la radiodifusion, aqui esta en aire vivo la transmision en Castellano (Español) de TV Chile de la ciudad capital de Santiago del terremoto
gigante de 8,8 cerca de Concepcion, Chile. Hay una alerta de tsunami en Chile, y Peru!
Breaking News: Monster 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile - Ultimas Noticias: Terremoto mostro de magnitud 8.8 en Chile.
This massive quake lasted 1 minute and 30 seconds!! A giant tsunami warning has been declared in Chile & Peru! According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this quake is 64 times more powerful than the killer earthquake in Haiti!
Both Peru and Chile have the some of biggest earthquakes
ever registered on Earth. The Arica, Peru quake in 1868 was registered at 9.0;
and the Concepcion, Chile quake in 1960 was registered at 9.5, the world-record and highest ever recorded by humans!
hope fatalities, injuries, and damages are minimal...
The post card picture of the beautiful and modern Andean city of Santiago, Capital of Chile - South America with the Andes Mountain Range in the background.
REMEMBER THE LITTLE FINGERS, for they adore the wonders of nature. If this doesn't remind you of a little kid, then you've never been around little kids. It's a perfect test to determine that.
Today is the 188th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Peru from Spain! But it has over 10,000 years of scientifically verified history. The domestication of the potato in Peru has
been verified by European and American scientists to be 8,000 years
before Christ! From Alaska, USA to Tierra de Fuego, Argentina, Peru is the oldest civilization in all the Americas. In northern Peru, Caral has been verified by European scientists to be over 2,000 years older than the oldest Mayan civilization in Guatemala and Southern Mexico.
In Latin America, Peru has no rival when it comes its archaeological, biological, historical, religious (Catholicism) and culture influence (especially in South America). When it comes to its historical alliance to Spain, theViceroyalty of Peru or Viceroyalty of New Castile (el Virreinato del Peru o el Virreinato de Nuevo Castilla) was the largest, richest, and most powerful viceroyalty of the Spanish Empire from the 15th, 16th, and 17th century. Lima, Peru was capital of practically all of South America, including Brazil! In world significance, Peru's ancient civilizations are as old as Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), Egypt, China, and India.
On a global scale, Peru is by far the most biologically diverse country in the world with the most animals, fishes, incests, birds, and plant species in the Peruvian Amazon (lowland & highland jungles), tropical Andes, Andean glaciers, and coastal deserts.
Here, in high-definition (HD), is the national anthem of Peru with spectacular scenery of present day Peru. The anthem is not well known like the U.S., French, or English one; but if you hear it to its entirety you will come to the conclusion that it has to be among the most beautiful anthems.
Listen to the instrumental version in the 1st-half and then listen in the 2nd-half to the vocal version by Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Florez, argumentatively the best tenor in the world today and heir to Spanish great Placido Domingo.
Happy Birthday Peru! - ¡Feliz cumpleaños Perú!
Peruvian Anthem in HD cinemascope 2.35:1 ratio - Stereo Sound. New comprehensive English translation subtitles. See spectacular scenery of Machu-Picchu, the
Peruvian coast, Lima and other inland places. Peru - a large Latin American
republic in the mid-west of South America on the equator and south of the equator.
Map of Peru during most of the colonial era - Virreinato/Virreynato del Perú
Viceroyalty of Peru - The "Peruvian Empire" so to speak. Quote - "If Spain is the motherland of Latin America, Peru is the motherland of South American." Originally stated by King Juan Carlos of Spain in 2007 and later used by current President of Peru, Dr. Alan Garcia in 2008.
Present day Peru, Central and South America. Juan Diego Florez and his wife, fashion model Julia Trappe.
This program was aired last month on 60 Minutes that focused on the class action lawsuit against Chevron for deliberately contaminating the Ecuadorian Amazon and causing a wave of cancer and miscarriages in the region. Here is more info about this lawsuit at a site called ChevronToxico - The Campaign For Justice In Ecuador.
Ecuador is second only to Peru as the most biologically diverse country in the world.
But the real "Battle for Mother Earth" is in Peru itself. Currently, as I write this blog post, in a small region of the Peruvian Amazon there is a deadly battle for man vs nature, capitalism vs socialism, The State vs The Individual, and big international business vs small communal local business. (Ohhh, that sounds so familiar....)
Part 1
Part 2
60 Minutes on May 7, 2009 - Amazon Crude.
Image of discarded oil waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
PS. Yeah, this sounds so familiar because we used to do this wide spread dumping of oil waste in our rivers, lakes, and oceans here in the United State 100 years ago. Just look at those archive pictures of the oil industry in Ohio and Pennsylvania during the John D. Rockefeller and Robber Barron era, 1870 - 1930. What environmental tragedy!
Cute 5 year old Edgar Hernandez is believed to be the first Swine Flu victim - He is "patient zero"?
This video was broadcasted on April 29, 2009, and little Edgar has now had his "15 minute of fame" this past weekend. But it is now confirmed that he is not patient zero. There have been confirmed cases, over the last few days, of others patients before Edgar that had this type of flu strain.
Patient zero would have to be a pig farm worker or hand. Perhaps an employee, contractor, or even an owner (or family member/business partner) of a nearby farm? Smith Fields Foods, the industrial American pig farm company in this video, has so far tested negative for swine flu with its livestock.
Mexican Swine Flu: Now there's an APP for that! Fling your mind's eye into orbit, and gaze down upon the infected. The Swine Flu isn't just in Mexico anymore. Play with the embedded app and look!
We all know how smart, playful, and inventive dolphins can be — but it isn’t often that we get to see one of their actual inventions. That’s what makes this video footage of the dolphins at Sea World, in Orlando, so remarkable.
These dolphins tip their heads and expel brief bursts of CO2 through their blowholes; internal forces break the bubbles’ centers open to create tightly structured, spinning rings. The dolphins then flip the rings around, poke their noses through them, twirl them into different shapes — they even bite them in half. It’s one of the best shows in Orlando today, and these aquatic impresarios thought it all up on their own.
Dolphin Bubbles!
Dolphin play bubble rings
From England -Readabout dolphins blowing bubble rings.