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February 12, 2010


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Lindsey Vonn is known as a lot of things. To some the word prodigy comes to mind, others like to use the term downhill ski legend, and some would just say that she's plain hot. But there is more to this amazing gal than the title Overall World Cup Champion.

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Lindsey is definitely one gorgeous, sexy hot skier. She would definitely land the top spot in my 10 hottest female skiers worldwide. We all know that Lindsey is not only sexy but she is also 1 talented person winning the 2008 and current 2009 Overall World Cup Ski Racing Champion, what a great achievement when you are only 25 years of age. I usually watched Lindsey used skis that although plain for some skiers, would result in her winning the competition. It is in this way that I began to think that no matter what equipments you use, if you were not talented enough then it would just be a waste of your money.

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A sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive, and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. It is governed by a set of rules or customs. In a sport the key factors are the physical capabilities and skills of the competitor when determining the outcome (winning or losing).

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Sports have been increasingly organized and regulated from the time of the Ancient Olympics up to the present century. Industrialization has brought increased leisure time to the citizens of developed and developing countries, leading to more time for citizens to attend and follow spectator sports, greater participation in athletic activities, and increased accessibility. These trends continued with the advent of mass media and global communication.

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