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February 13, 2010


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I almost never leave responses, but I browsed through a few comments on Michelin Rated La Mar Cebicheria Peruana SF - Best Latin America Restaurant In The U.S.! - Tierra Unica. I actually do have a couple of questions for you if it's okay. Is it just me or do some of these remarks come across like they are written by brain dead visitors? :-P And, if you are posting at other online social sites, I would like to keep up with anything new you have to post. Could you make a list of the complete urls of all your social community sites like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?

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Anyone who hasn't seen the RedStars play are missing out, as they are a worthwhile, & professional team. These ladies know

how to handle the game.I've just checked out Dan's site and I am drooling..gorgeous gorgeous hobby horses. Next time I recieve a windfall I hope to

order one.A very sweet dad who gives personally made presents to his kids. I envy it!

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Wow these recipe's are looking really delicious, I love them pictures over here.and this restaurant is really great.

Chef Apron

Hey I know this restaurant, Its really lovely place to be with family , friends,or colleagues.I've used it for breakfast meetings, been for lunch and dinner.

Miami Culinary Tours

La Mar Cebicheria Peruana is the best and most amazing place for Peruvian Ceviche! I reside in Miami and (although I am from Argentina =) I will admit =) that Peruvian cuisine is (to me) the most rich in custom, flavorful, true to its origins, most exquisite yet accessible. I have a LOVE affair lately with El Sabor De Peru, a local, hole-in-the-wall restaurant in downtown Miami that every time I eat there I literally feel blessed that I am able to savor Peru's most celebrated dishes.
Cheers from Miami


This is great news chris! you gonna land a gig cooking here?

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