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February 27, 2010


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Photo by Win McNamee/Getty ImagesCHARLOTTE, NC - SEPTEMBER 06: Democratic presidential candidate. 7% thought they worked too much japan and probably fed them more television than the exception.


ブログがよく書いてあると思います、引き続き注目しております。もっといい文章を書けるように願ています。Good post!


I remember a film has recommend Santiago, I think it is a beautiful city.

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Utilizando las ultimas tecnologias de video de web de la radiodifusion, aqui esta en aire vivo la transmision en Castellano (Español) de TV Chile de la ciudad capital de Santiago del terremoto gigante de 8,8 cerca de Concepcion, Chile. Hay una alerta de tsunami en Chile, y Peru!

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Chile is not Haiti. It is the most economically develop country in all Latin America, and the Chilean people have experienced several "Great Quakes" in the last 200 years. Hopefully the causalities and damage is minimal.

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Hopefully the causalities and damage is minimal.

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