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December 04, 2009


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As the tournament gets closer, the odds will change a bit. Rumors have it that the "Smart Money" will increase their wagers into the English side and their odds will change to 5/1. As always, since the beginning of the World Cup 80 years ago at Uruguay 1930, the top four favorites to win the tournament have come from South America and Europe only. In fact, South America has 9 World Cup wins and Europe has also 9 wins. South America is the only region in the world to win the World Cup outside their own continent, Brazil in 1958 and 2002!

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The World Cup begins on June 11, 2010 with the finals played on July 11, 2010. The 32 qualifying teams are (in alphabetical order): Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Korea DPR, Korea Republic, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Paraguay, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United States, and Uruguay.

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looking forward to arriving in June to see what for many will be the world messi and Argentina will be expected if the surprise, I hope this does not happen after the last world is expecting much from Ronaldinho and that never came, thanks for the blog .

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