This program was aired last month on 60 Minutes that focused on the class action lawsuit against Chevron for deliberately contaminating the Ecuadorian Amazon and causing a wave of cancer and miscarriages in the region. Here is more info about this lawsuit at a site called ChevronToxico - The Campaign For Justice In Ecuador.
Ecuador is second only to Peru as the most biologically diverse country in the world.
But the real "Battle for Mother Earth" is in Peru itself. Currently, as I write this blog post, in a small region of the Peruvian Amazon there is a deadly battle for man vs nature, capitalism vs socialism, The State vs The Individual, and big international business vs small communal local business. (Ohhh, that sounds so familiar....)
Part 1
Part 2
60 Minutes on May 7, 2009 - Amazon Crude.
Image of discarded oil waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
PS. Yeah, this sounds so familiar because we used to do this wide spread dumping of oil waste in our rivers, lakes, and oceans here in the United State 100 years ago. Just look at those archive pictures of the oil industry in Ohio and Pennsylvania during the John D. Rockefeller and Robber Barron era, 1870 - 1930. What environmental tragedy!
Apart from the intellectual exercises, there was a grand cultural parade showcasing colourful dance troupes from the Cross-River and Akwa-Ibom states Nigeria a panoply of dance groups from Cameroon. It should be noted that both countries share mucadsfh in common and could benefit from each other in the areas of boosting cultural tourism.
Posted by: Cheap Jordans Canada | July 07, 2011 at 05:57 PM