Hey international food lovers,
As many of you known from my previous posts about the introduction to the United States of Peruvian celebrity chef Gaston, and his much publicized grand opening in the food press of La Mar (The Sea) in Francisco this Fall. And the other post about how Peruvian Cebiche will dethroning Japanese Sushi. The fine dining and upper-end seafood establishment in San Francisco and the rest of the U.S. should take notice of the following news coming out of England and Spain.
From The Times of London, England on June 27, 2008 - Cebiche: The New Sushi
A recent 2-month world-wide internet poll concluded last Friday, August 15, 2008, by a major Spanish online newspaper "20 Minutos" in Madrid declared that the "Peruvian Cebiche" is the best traditional dish in the world! It received by huge margin, the most votes from their very knowledgeable and discriminating core food critics, their readers and users in Spain and abroad.
(All the top traditional dish finalists from around the world and the final vote count is in the last link of this post.)
Reports, video, and pictures of the winner in the links below in English and Spanish.
Peruvian Cebiche labeled Best Traditional Dish in the World
Report from LP News by Israel J. Ruiz - July 16, 2008.
After over 7 million people around the world choose their favorite flag through a Spanish news website, the site's users have organized a new contest: The Best Traditional Dish in the World.
This competition is an unofficial one with no monetary reward and is not recognized by any special organization.
Despite this, hundreds of thousands of Internet users take pride in selecting a traditional dish from their country in hopes that it will gain one of the top spots.
With over 95,000 points, cebiche, Peru's most famous gastronomical dish, is currently ranked number 1.
It is ahead of other international dishes such as tacos, pizza, sushi and paella.
Since the contest began in late June, many dishes have been eliminated, leaving only 15 to choose from.
Participants will have until July 28 to vote for their favorite dish.
On this date, the three best dishes will be announced and voting will commence once again. Participants will then have until August 15 to choose The World's Best Traditional Dish.
Noticias Trome - 15 de Agosto, 2008:
El cebiche gano a los tacos y la pizza.
"El cebiche peruano gano ayer en la votación final como el mejor plato típico del mundo, en la encuesta que se realizó en la página web del diario español '20 Minutos'. Ahora va primero en la competencia por la elección del potaje más delicioso del universo.
Al popular plato peruano, que ha recibido un total de 280 mil 458 votos, le siguen en la lista los tacos mexicanos (93,524), la pizza italiana (71,943), el sushi japonés (55,689) y las pastas italianas (55,460).
El asado argentino, la paella española y la hamburguesa americana, entre otros platos famosos en el mundo, habían quedado relegados de la final de la competencia. El cebiche lidera ahora la encuesta por el potaje más exquisito del mundo, seguido por la pizza."
Pictures (fotos) of three different types of classic style "Cebiche Peruano":
Final result on August 15, 2008 - World-wide internet poll Declared Peruvian Cebiche As The Best Traditional Dish In The World!
PS. Peruvian Cebiche is not like Japanese Sushi - they are two completely different types of cuisine. The fish and the seafood in Cebiche is actually cooked by the acidic properties of the lime juice, regardless if the juice used is Peruvian Lime, Key Lime, Mexican Lime, or Chinese Lime. Eating Peruvian Cebiche is safer and healthier to consume compare to Japanese Sushi because the fish and seafood is not raw. The acidic properties of the lime juice will kill and destroy any bacteria or worms in the dish. There have been numerous reports in the news lately that eating completely raw fish and seafood (Sushi) may not be too healthy.
As for me, as long as it is fresh, clean, and save; I'll still eat Japanese Sushi. But Peruvian Cebiche is better.....YUMMY!!!
I just get all worked up , and I stew around!
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