Armin Hary of West Germany sets the world record in the 100 meters at Zurich, Switzerland in 1960. He was the first human being to run the 100 meters in 10.0 flat! Hary has the fastest start ever record in any sport, even to this day - 00.08 seconds!!!
"Der historische Lauf" Weltrekord über 100 Meter in 10,0 Sekunden, am 21.06.1960 in Zürich Mehr nter."
Armin Hary setting the world record at the 100 meters in 10.0 flat!!!
Armin Hary winning the men's 100 meters at the 1960 Rome Olympics.
I LOVE this! SO cute!*
Posted by: coach outlet stores | November 11, 2010 at 06:00 PM